소식 Harvest Moon: Home Sweet Home offers new love interests you can woo while you make your village thrive

Harvest Moon: Home Sweet Home offers new love interests you can woo while you make your village thrive

by Noah Jan 22,2025

Rediscover the charm of Alba in Harvest Moon: Home Sweet Home! Coming to mobile devices this August, Natsume Inc.'s latest farming simulator invites you to revitalize your childhood village.

Rebuild your hometown, attracting tourists and new residents, and ensuring your bountiful harvests don't go to waste. Cultivate crops, tend to animals, and maybe even find love along the way! With eight eligible singles (four bachelors and four bachelorettes), the possibilities are endless.

a boy and a girl talking on the beach

"In Harvest Moon: Home Sweet Home, players return to their roots to restore their cherished village," explains Hiro Maekawa, President and CEO of Natsume. "Mobile gamers will enjoy this comprehensive, standalone farming experience. Help your village thrive with new visitors, residents, crops, and more – all without in-app purchases!"

Ready for a heartwarming farming adventure? Visit the official website for more details or join the Facebook community for the latest updates. For more farming game recommendations, check out our list of the best Android farming games.

최신 기사 더+
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