首頁 新聞 Alter Age is a new game hitting Google Play to satisfy your JRPG fix

Alter Age is a new game hitting Google Play to satisfy your JRPG fix

by Adam Jan 22,2025

Alter Age: A JRPG Where Age is Just a Number (and a Powerful Weapon!)

Ever dreamed of battling fantasy beasts as both a child and an adult? Alter Age, Kemco's latest JRPG on Google Play, makes that bizarre fantasy a reality.

Players step into the shoes of Arga, a young man striving to match his father's legendary strength. Instead, he uncovers the "Soul Alter" ability, allowing him and his companions to shift between childhood and adulthood, unlocking unique skills in each form.

This age-shifting mechanic is key to Alter Age's gameplay. Switch between attack and support roles, strategically utilizing character states, formations, equipment, and passive skills to overcome challenging dungeons and formidable enemies like dragons and ogres.

A screenshot showcasing Alter Age's action

While the core concept isn't entirely new, Alter Age delivers on the classic JRPG experience. Expect charming retro pixel art, sprawling dungeons, and satisfying turn-based combat. The freemium model allows hesitant players to try before committing to a purchase.

Pre-register for Alter Age now! And if you're looking for more mobile gaming recommendations, check out our curated lists of the best and most anticipated mobile games of 2024. We've handpicked a selection to suit every taste!

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