首頁 新聞 Marvel Rivalry Beta Registration Live, Launch Dates Unveiled

Marvel Rivalry Beta Registration Live, Launch Dates Unveiled

by Matthew Jan 22,2025

Marvel Rivalry Beta Registration Live, Launch Dates Unveiled

Marvel Rivals Closed Beta Test Opens to PS5, Xbox, and PC Players

Get ready, Marvel fans! NetEase Games is opening a closed beta test for its upcoming hero shooter, Marvel Rivals, on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC (Steam). The beta kicks off late July and runs into early August, offering players a chance to experience thrilling 6v6 combat before the full release.

PC players had a sneak peek during a May closed alpha, but this beta expands the experience significantly. Console players will get to try out new characters like Adam Warlock and Venom, and battle it out on a fresh map: Tokyo 2099: Spider-Islands. A special Scarlet Spider costume for Spider-Man awaits PS5 beta participants as an exclusive bonus upon the game's official launch.

How to Participate:

  • PS5 & Xbox Series X/S: Complete the short questionnaire provided [link to questionnaire would go here].
  • PC (Steam): Wishlist the game on Steam. Steam access requests open July 20th.

Selected participants will receive an email notification.

Beta Dates & Times:

  • Start: July 23, 2024, 6 PM ET / 3 PM PT
  • End: August 5, 2024, 3 AM ET / 12 AM PT

The beta is open to players in North America, Europe, and Asia, with a strong focus on testing cross-play functionality. While the number of beta participants isn't public, console players are encouraged to submit their questionnaires promptly to increase their chances.

Marvel Rivals shows great promise within the hero-shooter genre, and this beta will be crucial in refining the game, particularly its cross-platform capabilities. Don't miss your opportunity to join the fight!

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