首頁 新聞 Monoloot mixes up Monopoly Go and D&D, out now in soft launch for select regions

Monoloot mixes up Monopoly Go and D&D, out now in soft launch for select regions

by Nathan Jan 22,2025

Monoloot: My.Games' Dice-Rolling Board Battler Now in Soft Launch

My.Games, the studio behind hits like Rush Royale and Left to Survive, has launched a new dice-based board game, Monoloot. Think Monopoly Go meets Dungeons & Dragons! Currently in soft launch in the Philippines and Brazil (Android only), Monoloot: Dice and Journey offers a unique twist on the dice-rolling genre.

Unlike the Monopoly Go formula, Monoloot significantly diverges, incorporating RPG-style battles, castle building, and hero upgrades. Players build a mini-army of powerful characters. The game's vibrant visuals, blending 3D and 2D graphics, and clear nods to popular tabletop RPGs make it a promising title.

A screenshot of art from Monoloot showing various fantasy characters fighting

The Waning Popularity of Monopoly Go

The recent decline in Monopoly Go's explosive growth, while not a complete loss of popularity, presents an interesting backdrop for Monoloot's launch. Monopoloy Go's success hinged, in part, on its dice mechanics – a feature Monoloot cleverly leverages to create a fresh experience.

If Monoloot isn't available in your region, or if you're looking for alternative mobile gaming options, explore our list of top five new mobile games this week!

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