Rikzu Games introduces a magical twist to the endless runner genre with their new game, Shapeshifter: Animal Run. This follows other Android titles from the same publisher, including Patience Balls: Zen Physics, Galaxy Swirl: Hexa Endless Run, Leap: A Dragon’s Adventure, and Rotato Cube.
Shapeshifting Through an Enchanted Forest
Players embark on a high-stakes race through a mystical forest, demanding both speed and strategic shape-shifting to overcome obstacles. The forest's guardian golem is hot on your heels, forcing you to transform between three unique animal forms: a swift wolf, a powerfully built moose, and a nimble rabbit. Each animal offers distinct advantages: the wolf excels in speed, the moose boasts superior strength for breaking barriers, and the rabbit is ideal for navigating tight spaces.
Coin collection throughout the race unlocks mystical animal skins. Intrigued? See the game in action:
Global Competition and Daily Challenges
Test your skills against global players on the leaderboards, and tackle daily challenges and quests. Shapeshifter: Animal Run is available now for free on the Google Play Store. For more gaming news, check out our upcoming article on Crunchyroll's new hidden object game, "Hidden In My Paradise," featuring a sandbox mode.