PlayWay's Ship Graveyard Simulator, initially launched on PC and consoles, has now arrived on Android. Step into the shoes of a salvage yard owner, tasked with dismantling decommissioned vessels. A sequel is also in the works for PS5 and Xbox Series X|S.
Your Role: Demolition Expert
Armed with a hammer and hacksaw, you'll explore the rusted remains of massive cargo ships. Your mission: systematically deconstruct these obsolete ships, salvaging valuable materials to keep your business thriving.
As you progress, you'll handle increasingly larger ocean liners, navigating complex interiors and utilizing upgraded tools to overcome obstacles. The gameplay loop involves dismantling sections, collecting materials, selling excess inventory, and then repeating the process. Need a break? Simply order a new ship from your shack and wait until 8 a.m. for its arrival.
Tool Upgrades and Inventory:
Starting with basic tools, you'll unlock advanced equipment, including a forge for crafting and expanded inventory space via a dedicated storage worker and a truck with its own inventory. A nearby vendor readily purchases any surplus materials.
Watch the trailer below:
Worth a Try?
While Ship Graveyard Simulator doesn't offer hyper-realistic ship demolition, it provides a relaxing and engaging experience. The gameplay focuses on methodical dismantling at your own pace. There are also additional side quests from shoreline residents, requiring material delivery or crafting specific items.
Download Ship Graveyard Simulator from the Google Play Store. For more gaming news, check out our article on KEMCO's Eldgear, a new tactical RPG.