Game Freak, renowned for its Pokémon series, has unveiled a new adventure RPG, Pand Land, exclusively in Japan for Android and iOS. This isn't the studio's first foray outside Pokémon; titles like Little Town Hero and HarmoKnight have garnered significant attention. While recent Pokémon entries have faced criticism regarding shorter development cycles, Game Freak's simultaneous work on Pand Land demonstrates a commitment to diverse projects. Note that the 2021 Gen 4 remakes were outsourced to ILCA, but Game Freak itself delivered Pokémon Legends: Arceus, Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, and the Gen 9 DLC since early 2022, with another major Pokémon title in development.
Pand Land offers a relaxed exploration experience across a vibrant, largely oceanic world. Players, as expedition captains, hunt for treasure, engaging in combat and dungeon exploration, solo or with friends via multiplayer.
Pand Land's Limited Availability
Currently, Pand Land is Japan-only. While a global release date remains unannounced, Game Freak clearly considers it a significant project. Development director Yuji Saito emphasized the ambition to deliver "a game that takes the scale of a console game and makes it easy and simple to play," as stated in the official announcement by publisher WonderPlanet.
Pokémon fans can rest assured; Pand Land's development hasn't impacted the upcoming Pokémon Legends: Z-A, slated for release next year. Details remain scarce, but the predecessor's popularity generates considerable anticipation.