Resident Evil's mastermind, Shinji Mikami, recently expressed strong support for a Killer7 sequel during a presentation alongside Goichi "Suda51" Suda. This sparked excitement among fans of the cult classic.
Killer7: A Sequel or a Complete Edition?
The Grasshopper Direct presentation, primarily focused on the upcoming Shadows of the Damned remaster, unexpectedly veered into a discussion about Killer7's future. Mikami openly stated his desire for a sequel, calling the original one of his personal favorites. Suda51, echoing this sentiment, hinted at the possibility of a Killer7 sequel, playfully suggesting titles like "Killer11" or "Killer7: Beyond."
Killer7, a 2005 action-adventure game blending horror, mystery, and Suda51's signature over-the-top style, holds a special place in gaming history. The game, following Harman Smith and his seven distinct personalities, gained a devoted following despite lacking a sequel. Even after a 2018 PC remaster, Suda51 expressed interest in revisiting the original vision, suggesting a "Complete Edition" that would restore extensive cut dialogue for the character Coyote. Mikami, while playfully dismissing the Complete Edition as "lame," acknowledged its potential appeal to fans.
The prospect of either a sequel or a complete edition has energized the fanbase. While no firm commitments have been made, the developers' enthusiastic discussion has ignited considerable anticipation for Killer7's future. The final decision, according to Suda51, rests on whether "Killer7: Beyond" or the Complete Edition takes priority.