Dom Aktualności Synthwave Visions Blaze in COD:M Season 6

Synthwave Visions Blaze in COD:M Season 6

by Emery Jan 22,2025

Synthwave Visions Blaze in COD:M Season 6

Get ready for Call of Duty Mobile's electrifying Season 6: Synthwave Showdown, launching June 26th at 5 PM PT! This neon-soaked, 90s-inspired update is a dance party you won't want to miss.

Synthwave Showdown: A Retro Rewind!

Season 6's Synthwave Showdown Battle Pass delivers a wave of 90s-themed rewards. The free tier alone unlocks the high-fire-rate, long-range BP50 Assault Rifle, plus skins, weapon blueprints, and Vault Coins!

The popular Collateral Strike map from Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War returns, remastered for mobile. Engage in intense combat amidst the wreckage of a satellite crash in a desert village. Ground War players can also enjoy three randomly selected abilities to enhance their gameplay.

A new 1v1 Quick Solo combat playground offers customizable maps, weapon types, and kill limits. The innovative Combat Advisor feature pairs experienced players with newcomers for collaborative challenges, shared rewards, and skill development.

Battle Pass Breakdown:

The free Battle Pass includes the BP50 Assault Rifle and the Revive Battle Royale class, featuring a medical drone that revives teammates while deploying a smokescreen. Additional skins, blueprints, and Vault Coins are also available.

The Premium Pass boasts the Klepto – Miss Cryptic and Portnova – Glamor Mob Operator Skins, along with funky 90s-style weapon blueprints like the DR-H – Sonic Assault and BP50 – ASH2ASH. Check out the Season 6 trailer below:

Ready to Groove? -----------------

Beyond the Battle Pass, Season 6 brings back the Collateral Strike map and reopens The Club for a rhythm game featuring COD Mobile’s soundtrack. Download Call of Duty Mobile from the Google Play Store to join the action!

Don't forget to check out our other news, including the Android release of the hand-animated point-and-click puzzle game, LUNA The Shadow Dust.

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