Embark on a perilous and thrilling survival adventure! Humanity's triumph over nature has led to a devastating environmental catastrophe. Toxic smog engulfs major cities, the atmosphere is failing, and the Earth's light dims. Our only hope lies in Pridium, a rare metal used to create a life-sustaining emulsion. As a volunteer in the Earth Protection Committee's expedition to find new sources of Pridium, you find yourself stranded on a remote island, alone and unprepared. Your mission: survive and find your way back home. It won't be easy.
Game Features:
- Explore the untamed wilderness!
- Construct your shelter from scratch!
- Master a vast crafting system with countless recipes!
- Encounter the unique island wildlife!
- Immerse yourself in an island survival sandbox simulator!
What's New in Version 2.42
Last updated August 17, 2024
This update includes minor bug fixes and performance improvements. Download the latest version for an enhanced gameplay experience!