Discover "The Change: Prologue," a gripping visual novel where you become Joel, a teen grappling with a mysterious past. A life-altering accident throws his world into chaos, and you're there to guide him. Created by the talented erotic writer Alya, this game promises a captivating journey filled with suspense and unexpected twists.
Download "The Change: Prologue" today and experience this immersive story. Your feedback on the prologue will directly influence the game's future development.
Key Features:
- Compelling Narrative: Follow Joel's dramatic journey after a devastating car accident.
- Visual Novel Gameplay: Make choices that shape the story's path.
- Mature Themes: Explore a unique and alluring narrative created by an experienced erotic writer (18+).
- Influence the Game: Share your feedback to help shape future chapters.
- Support Alya: Connect with the creator and show your support via the app or her Patreon.
- Memorable Characters: Uncover the secrets of a diverse cast.
"The Change: Prologue" delivers a thrilling experience with its captivating storyline, interactive gameplay, and mature content. Support the creator and become a part of this evolving narrative. Download now!