首页 新闻 PokémonGo假期研究:Spark与塞拉


by Samuel Feb 08,2025

PokémonGO的假期第1部分分支研究中,培训师面临选择:援助火花或塞拉利昂。 本指南阐明了帮助您决定的差异。 该活动于12月17日至22日(当地时间上午9:59)举行,其中包含三个部分的免费研究路径。 第一个之后,您将选择您的路径。

Pokémon GO Spark





Research Task Reward
Catch 10 Ice-Type Pokémon 10 Pinap Berries
Take 5 snapshots of wild Pokémon 20 Poké Balls
Complete 5 Field Research Tasks 500 Stardust
Research Task Reward
Catch 10 Ice-Type Pokémon 10 Pinap Berries
Take 5 snapshots of wild Pokémon 20 Poké Balls
Complete 5 Field Research Tasks 500 Stardust
Complete All Tasks Alolan Vulpix Encounter, 2000 XP
Complete All Tasks

Alolan Vulpix Encounter, 2000 XP

Research Task Reward
Catch 25 Ice-Type Pokémon 10 Ultra Balls
Power Up Ice-Type Pokémon 10x 1 Golden Razz Berry
Collect MP from 3 Power Spots 100 Max Particles
Complete All Tasks Sandygast Encounter, 3000 XP, 2000 Stardust

Pokémon GO Rocket Leaders

Research Task Reward
Catch 25 Ice-Type Pokémon 10 Ultra Balls
Power Up Ice-Type Pokémon 10x 1 Golden Razz Berry
Collect MP from 3 Power Spots 100 Max Particles
Complete All Tasks

Sandygast Encounter, 3000 XP, 2000 Stardust


Sierra的路径(Fire-Type Focus):

Research Task Reward
Catch 10 Fire-Type Pokémon 10 Pinap Berries
Take 5 snapshots of wild Pokémon 20 Poké Balls
Complete 5 Field Research Tasks 500 Stardust
Complete All Tasks Shadow Vulpix Encounter, 2000 XP


Research Task Reward
Catch 25 Fire-Type Pokémon 10 Ultra Balls
Power Up Fire-Type Pokémon 10x 1 Golden Razz Berry
Collect MP from 3 Power Spots 100 Max Particles
Complete All Tasks Sandygast Encounter, 3000 XP, 2000 Stardust
Research Task Reward
Catch 10 Fire-Type Pokémon 10 Pinap Berries
Take 5 snapshots of wild Pokémon 20 Poké Balls
Complete 5 Field Research Tasks 500 Stardust
[🎜]Complete All Tasks[🎜] [🎜]Shadow Vulpix Encounter, 2000 XP[🎜]
[🎜] [🎜]第3部分:[🎜] [🎜]
Research Task Reward
Catch 25 Fire-Type Pokémon 10 Ultra Balls
Power Up Fire-Type Pokémon 10x 1 Golden Razz Berry
Collect MP from 3 Power Spots 100 Max Particles
[🎜]Complete All Tasks[🎜] [🎜]Sandygast Encounter, 3000 XP, 2000 Stardust[🎜]

两条路径的最终sandygast相遇都是相同的。您的选择取决于您是喜欢Alolan Vulpix还是Shadow Vulpix遇到的,以及您希望优先考虑捕捉的Pokémon类型。 PokémonGo现已上市。

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