Embark on a mission to save humanity in Zombies: Real Time World War, a gripping strategy game set against the backdrop of a catastrophic zombie apocalypse. As iconic cities like New York and California crumble under the relentless undead hordes, you'll command a powerful army, equipped with soldiers, tanks, Humvees, and rocket launchers. Master resource management and strategically deploy your units across a dynamic, free-form quest map. Explore intricately designed city environments, engage in 16 intense battles, and command over 7 meticulously detailed unit types. Customize your arsenal, confront the zombie menace head-on, and ultimately decide the fate of humanity. Download Zombies: Real Time World War today and experience the ultimate battle for survival.
Features of Zombies: Real Time World War:
- Dynamic Free-Form Quest Map: Enjoy the freedom to choose your battles and strategic approach within a modern, realistic setting.
- Intricately Detailed City Designs: Immerse yourself in realistically rendered cities, enhancing the game's atmosphere and strategic depth.
- 16 Intense Battles: Conquer a diverse range of challenging battles, ensuring a thrilling and varied gameplay experience.
- Mass Unit Deployment: Strategically deploy your army units in both 8 and 16-unit formations, enabling diverse tactical approaches.
- Diverse Unit Roster: Command over 7 unique and accurately modeled unit types, providing tactical flexibility in your fight against the undead.
- Endless Equipment Combinations: Customize your army with countless equipment combinations, tailoring your units to your preferred playstyle.
Zombies: Real Time World War delivers an action-packed strategy experience, putting you in the commander's seat against a relentless zombie horde. With its dynamic quest map, detailed city environments, multiple challenging battles, mass unit deployment options, a diverse unit roster, and endless equipment customization, Zombies: Real Time World War offers unparalleled strategic depth and excitement. Download now to save humanity and experience the thrill of this epic battle.