ニュース Claws Stars to host new collaboration with mascot character Usagyuuun

Claws Stars to host new collaboration with mascot character Usagyuuun

by Dylan Jan 22,2025

Get ready for a cuddly crossover! Claw Stars, the award-winning casual game, is teaming up with the adorable emoji mascot, Usagyuuun! This collaboration brings two new pilot-able ships, a new playable Usagyuuun character, and a host of themed goodies.

The popular white rabbit, Usagyuuun, first gained fame as a sticker on the Japanese messaging app, Line. Its widespread appeal has led to a surge in merchandise, and now, a starring role in Claw Stars!

For those unfamiliar, Claw Stars puts you in control of space-faring hamsters piloting UFOs equipped with, you guessed it, claws! The objective? Grab coins and collectibles as you navigate the game. This deceptively simple premise has proven surprisingly addictive, even earning a spot on Apple Arcade.

Promotional art for the Claw Stars x Usagyuuun crossover

Hop into the Action!

This collaboration introduces Usagyuuun as a playable character, along with a unique ship. Another Usagyuuun character, the enigmatic carrot Ninjin, pilots a carrot-shaped ship! Collect exclusive Usagyuuun stickers and two new cosmetic bundles: the Naughty Rabbit and Mecha Rabbit Style Station collections. Even if you're not a Usagyuuun enthusiast, there's plenty to entice you.

Looking for more mobile gaming fun? Check out our comprehensive list of the best mobile games of 2024 (so far)! And don't miss our list of the most anticipated mobile games of the year for a sneak peek at upcoming releases!

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