04 2025-01Genshin Backlash Cause Devs to Feel Defeated and \"Useless\"
Genshin Impact 开发团队回应玩家负面反馈:曾感到挫败和“无用” 米哈游总裁刘伟近日公开谈及玩家强烈负面反馈对《原神》开发团队过去一年的影响。让我们深入了解他的评论以及这款游戏经历的动荡时期。 开发团队致力于改进游戏并倾听玩家心声 米哈游总裁刘伟在最近上海的一次活动中,谈到了玩家强烈负面反馈给《原神》开发团队带来的“焦虑和困惑”。他在玩家群体中日益增长的不满情绪(尤其是在2024年春节和随后的更新期间)之后,对这种情况发表了评论。这段发言由YouTube频道SentientBamboo录制并翻译。 刘伟表示,玩家的强烈批评对团队产生了深远负面影响。“过去一年,原神团队和我都经历了很
04 2025-01Instead Of The Sims 5, EA Drops A Different Sims Game, The Sims Labs: Town Stories!
A new Sims game is in the works, and it's available now in Australia! While not the Sims 5 we've all been waiting for, The Sims Labs: Town Stories offers a sneak peek at potential future features. This mobile simulation game, part of EA's Sims Labs initiative, serves as a testing ground for new gam
04 2025-01Sequel To Warriors' Market Mayhem, King Smith: Forgemaster Quest Is Now Out
Cat Lab's latest release, King Smith: Forgemaster Quest, is a surprising sequel to their hit game, Warriors’ Market Mayhem. While the titles differ significantly, the connection is undeniable. For those familiar with Warriors’ Market Mayhem, you'll recognize the retro-style RPG setting within a wh
04 2025-01Human Fall Flat invites you to an obstacle-filled museum as you hunt for an important exhibit
Human Fall Flat welcomes a new Museum level, available now on Android and iOS! This free update lets you play solo or with up to four friends. After last month's Dockyard escapades, you're now tasked with a new challenge: removing a misplaced exhibit from the museum. This Museum level, originally
04 2025-01Power Rangers: Mighty Force Is A New RPG From The Makers Of Doctor Who: Lost in Time
Power Rangers fans, get ready! East Side Games, Mighty Kingdom, and Hasbro have teamed up to release a brand-new Power Rangers game: Power Rangers: Mighty Force. Is it good news or bad? That's for you to decide! The Lowdown Power Rangers: Mighty Force features an original storyline pitting the Mig
04 2025-01Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds releases new update with numerous Familiars and pets
Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds receives a delightful update featuring new Familiars, Pets, and a festive event! This update offers something for everyone, from challenging content to fun seasonal activities. Three powerful new Darkness Element Ultimate-Evolved Familiars—Dinoceros, Relixx, and Rimu—join t
04 2025-01Crunchyroll Drops Roguelike Rhythm Game Crypt Of The NecroDancer On Android
Crunchyroll brings the rhythm-based roguelike, Crypt of the NecroDancer, to Android! Now available as "Crunchyroll: NecroDancer," this beat-matching adventure offers a unique mobile experience. Originally released on PC in 2015, and previously on iOS and Android, this version boasts expanded conte
04 2025-01Dredge\'s mobile port delayed until next year but a closed beta test is planned for December
Dredge's mobile release delayed until February 2025, but a new closed beta is now open! Fans of Black Salt Games' Lovecraftian fishing horror, Dredge, will need to wait a little longer to cast their lines on mobile. The mobile port has been pushed back to February 2025. However, to soften the blow,
04 2025-01Roguelike Card Adventure Phantom Rose 2 Sapphire Drops On Android
Dive into Phantom Rose 2: Sapphire, the captivating roguelike card adventure sequel! Building on the success of its predecessor, Phantom Rose Scarlet, this new installment offers a darker, more mysterious experience with exciting new features. Whether you're a seasoned Phantom Rose player or a new
04 2025-01Harvest Moon: Home Sweet Home Adds Controller Support
Harvest Moon: Home Sweet Home 最新更新带来期待已久的全新功能,包括控制器支持!Natsume 于 2024 年 8 月在 Android 平台推出的这款农场模拟 RPG 游戏,是首款基于 Harvest Moon 的手机游戏。 最新更新内容: 首先,Harvest Moon: Home Sweet Home 现在支持控制器!如果您厌倦了在屏幕上不停点击,那么一定会喜欢这个新功能。您可以连接蓝牙控制器或即插即用设备,以更经典的方式体验游戏。 Natsume 还为游戏添加了云存档功能。现在,您可以在手机和平板电脑之间无缝切换,而不会丢失任何进度。最后,还有一些错误修复