Exciting news for fans of *Fields of Mistria*—Caldarus is now unlockable as a romanceable character with the Early Access title’s March 2025 update. Here’s your comprehensive guide on how to unlock his romance questline, event details, and his gift preferences.
Caldarus Fields of Mistria Romance Guide
Use the quick links below to jump straight to the section you're interested in, or continue reading for all the details on Caldarus’ romance questline in *Fields of Mistria*.
How to Unlock Caldarus as a Romanceable Character in Fields of Mistria
Once the offering is completed, a cutscene will play where the Mines Priestess warns the farmer to leave or risk being sealed with the Sealing Scroll. As your health depletes, Caldarus arrives, transforms into his human form, gifts you the Dragon’s Breath spell, and then retreats to the Deep Woods. In this form, you can interact with him through gifts and daily conversations, just like with other dateable NPCs in Mistria.
After breaking the Fire Seal, Caldarus can be found exclusively at his temple in the Deep Woods. To permanently unlock this area on your map, use the Dragon’s Breath spell.
Caldarus’ Heart Events in Fields of Mistria
Currently, there are only a few cutscenes involving Caldarus. The first is a dream sequence at the game's start, introducing Mistria’s magic system and gameplay mechanics. The second occurs after breaking the Fire Seal, where Caldarus saves the farmer and reveals his human form before retreating to his temple to recover.
Following the March 2025 update, you can also initiate a real date with Caldarus during the Shooting Star Festival, an in-game event held on Summer 28.
The Shooting Star Festival
During the Summit, Caldarus thanks you for the invitation and discusses the stars and the ancient Mistrian tradition known as Starbinding. The dialogue delves into existential topics about soul connections and the nature of relationships, hinting at deeper lore. He suggests you might have attended the event together in a past life, and after a moment of fatigue, invites you to watch the stars from his temple for the rest of the evening.
Best Gifts for Caldarus in Fields of Mistria
LIKED GIFTS | Beet Soup, Chili Coconut Curry, Chocolate Cake, Crab Cakes, Fish Tacos, Golden Cheesecake, Golden Cookies, Ice Cream Sundae, Lobster Roll, Marigold, Mushroom Steak Dinner, Perch Risotto, Pumpkin Pie, Sea Bream Rice, Spirit Mushroom Tea, Vegetable Pot Pie, Vegetable Quiche |
LOVED GIFTS | Fried Rice, Harvest Plate, Mont Blanc, Seafood Boil, Seafood Snow Pea Noodles, Spring Galette, Statuette of Caldarus, Sushi Platter, Veggie Sub Sandwich |
HATED GIFTS | Unknown Dragon Statuette |
Note that some of Caldarus’ gift preferences may change with future updates as *Fields of Mistria* is still in Early Access. The information provided is accurate as of Version 0.13.1 and will be updated accordingly.
*Fields of Mistria is currently available to play in Steam Early Access.*