ニュース Game of Thrones: Kingsroad announces closed beta test coming this month

Game of Thrones: Kingsroad announces closed beta test coming this month

by Oliver Jan 22,2025

Game of Thrones: Kingsroad is launching its first closed beta on Android and PC! Netmarble's latest Game of Thrones adaptation promises a third-person action-adventure experience in Westeros. The beta begins January 15th and runs until the 22nd, with sign-ups open now for Android users in the US, Canada, and select European regions.

Unlike previous Game of Thrones mobile games, which focused on strategy, Kingsroad offers a single-character perspective. Players become the heir to House Tyre, embarking on a journey across Westeros, battling enemies, and building prestige. The game's trailer suggests a Witcher-esque style, featuring third-person exploration and combat, with three character classes: Sellsword, Knight, and Assassin. While visually impressive, the true test lies in gameplay.


Winter is coming (or, well, it's already here)! The closed beta registration closes January 12th. While visually appealing, Game of Thrones: Kingsroad will undoubtedly face intense scrutiny from the dedicated fanbase. The game's monetization strategy, long-term support, and overall execution will be key factors determining its success. Netmarble has the potential to deliver the immersive Game of Thrones experience fans have longed for.

Looking for something to play in the meantime? Check out our list of the top five new mobile games this week!

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