Home News In-Game Purchases Surge: 82% of Gamers Engage in Freemium Monetization

In-Game Purchases Surge: 82% of Gamers Engage in Freemium Monetization

by Lillian Jan 25,2025

Freemium Games Prove Successful As 82% of Gamers Made In-Game PurchasesA new joint report from Comscore and Anzu reveals key insights into US gamer behavior, preferences, and current industry trends.

US Gamers Embrace In-App Purchases

The Rise of Freemium Gaming

Freemium Games Prove Successful As 82% of Gamers Made In-Game PurchasesComscore's 2024 State of Gaming Report, a collaboration with in-game advertiser Anzu, examines US gaming habits, preferences, and spending. The report analyzes popular genres across various platforms.

The report highlights that a significant 82% of US gamers made in-game purchases in freemium games last year. Freemium games, a blend of "free" and "premium," are free to download and play, offering optional in-app purchases for enhanced features like extra resources and exclusive items. Popular examples include Genshin Impact and League of Legends.

The freemium model's success, especially in mobile gaming, is undeniable. Maplestory, released in North America in 2005, is often cited as a pioneer of this model, introducing the concept of real-money purchases for virtual items.

Freemium Games Prove Successful As 82% of Gamers Made In-Game PurchasesThe continued popularity of freemium games has fueled the success of developers and online retailers like Google, Apple, and Microsoft. Research from Corvinus University points to utility, self-indulgence, social interaction, and in-game competition as key drivers of in-app purchases, enhancing gameplay and avoiding ads.

Comscore's Chief Commercial Officer, Steve Bagdasarian, noted the report's significance, emphasizing gaming's cultural impact and the importance of understanding gamer behavior for brands.

Tekken 8's producer, Katsuhiro Harada, previously commented on in-game purchases, explaining that revenue from such transactions contributes significantly to the development budget, particularly given the increasing costs of game development.

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